Event Details

An off-the-record briefing with the Office of National Intelligence

As the centre of Australia's national security and intelligence communities, the Office of National Intelligence is the principal advisory agency to the Prime Minister and National Security Committee of Cabinet on intelligence matters.

The ONI seeks to explain events, identify risks and opportunities, and distil facts and insights. It focuses on matters of political, strategic or economic significance to Australia, drawing on all sources of information available to the Australian Government- whether collected covertly by other intelligence agencies and diplomatic reporting, or through open-source intelligence and insights.

On Tuesday, 10 September, two senior members of the ONI, Gareth Meyer and Elsina Wainwright, will provide an off-the-record briefing for members of AiGroup and Committee for Brisbane.

Expect to learn insights about Australia's geostrategic environment and implications for business. This is your opportunity to ask the questions about national intelligence collection and reporting that you've always wanted answered.

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, 10th September

Time: 9:30am - 11:00am

Location: BDO, Level 10, 12 Creek Street

***Please note this is an off-the-record briefing and electronic devices will need to be left outside the room***


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